gut health tips

Why the gut?

Your gut microbiome is the foundation of your health. Good gut health occurs when you have a balance between the good (helpful) and bad (potentially harmful) bacteria and yeast in your digestive system. In fact, 80% of your immune system is in the gut, and the majority of your body’s serotonin is, too. This means if your gut isn’t healthy, then your immune system and hormones won’t function, and you will get sick. Unfortunately, this is also how autoimmune disorders begin. 
Your gut aids in the digestion of the foods you eat, absorbs nutrients, and uses it to fuel and maintain your body. So, if your gut is imbalanced and your immune system isn’t working properly, your serotonin and hormones won’t either, making it more challenging to stay healthy. Your gut is also where your body gets rid of metabolic waste and toxins. However, if you have an unhealthy gut, your body will struggle to rid itself of those toxins. If this occurs, it can cause many issues, including chronic fatigue, chronic illnesses and inflammation throughout the body. That’s why people experience symptoms such as brain fog, diarrhea, constipation, gas, joint pain, etc. You may not realize it, but the brain is the second gut; therefore, if your gut isn’t working, your brain is struggling too.
Healing your gut will take time, dedication, and consistency. Your microbiome didn't get unhealthy overnight, so it's not going to get fixed overnight. But the good news is that eating healthy, reducing stress, and getting more sleep goes a long way on getting you back on track!

happy tummy

Getting your gut healthy & happy takes time, but it's so worth it. Here are some tips:
  • Get more sleep! Lack of sleep can increase stress, which affects the gut. 
  • Drink more water! Staying hydrated is one of the most important factors in improving your gut's health. 
  • Reduce stress! Make time for a relaxing bath, get fresh air with a leisurely walk, cuddle with a loved one or a pet, diffuse essential oils, don't over commit yourself - it's okay to say no, go to bed an hour earlier, cut down on screen time. 
  • Eat healthy! Cut down on the sugar, eat more protein & veggies, learn what fuels your body, cut down on inflammatory foods, add in probiotics & fermented foods. 
  • Move your body!  Not only does exercise help to push things along, uplift your mood, support your immune system, but it also can enhance the number of beneficial gut flora. 
  • Chew your food more thoroughly
  • Eat smaller more frequent meals
  • Consume more fiber - greens, broccoli, chia seeds, etc.

Trim Healthy Mama - eat healthy